We are on Holidays!

And will be back as of September 9!

We are on Holidays!

And will be back as of September 9!
Double Bill


Two World Premieres
Double Bill


Two World Premieres

Discover the Season 2024-25!

A dance journey between modern and classical - five full-length ballets and four mixed bill. Discover the 2024-25 season!

In rehearsal for SYMPHONY NO 2 "Under the Trees' Voices” by David Dawson, which will premiere June 28 as part of the Double Bill NOVITZKY/DAWSON ✨

✨ Clemens Fröhlich
✨ Elisa Badenes, Friedemann Vogel
✨ Anna Osadcenko, Jason Reilly, Clemens Fröhlich
📷 Stuttgarter Ballett

📆 June 28 / 30, July 2 / 3 / 6 / 8 / 11 / 21 /22
Further Information, Tickets and Cast via the link in bio.
#davidawson #thestuttgartballet #smyphonyno2 #novitzkydawson
17. June 2024 - 17:51
TV tip: During the rehearsal for "10 Minutes of Silence" as part of this years "Noverre: Young Choreographers", demi-soloist and choreographer Martino Semenzato was accompanied by a film team for "twist" by @arte.tv

📺 TV screening today at 09:55 am. The video is already available in the mediathek

✨ Christopher Kunzelmann, Alessandro Giaquinto and Flemming Puthenpurayil in Martino Semenzato's "10 Minutes of Silence"
📷 Stuttgart Ballet
#martinosemenzato #noverre #tvtip #arte
16. June 2024 - 09:00
For the Kafka night of the Staatstheater Stuttgart, choreographer and soloist Fabio Adorisio created a pas des deux for dancers Martino Semenzato and Vittoria Girelli, inspired by the writer’s emotional sensitivity. Toi Toi Toi to everyone tonight! 🍀

✨ Vittoria Girelli and Martino Semenzato in „Lieber Franz,“ by Fabio Adorisio

📷 Stuttgarter Ballett

@diestaatstheaterstuttgart @schauspielstuttgart @staatsoperstuttgart @dla_marbach @akademiefuergesprocheneswort
#franzkafka #fabioadorisio #thestuttgartballet
15. June 2024 - 12:37
Double Bill
As of September 29, 2024 in the Opera House
Ballet by John Cranko
As of October 16, 2024 in the Opera House