Behind the Scenes with the Stuttgart Ballet

with Alessandro Giaquinto

Behind the Scenes with the Stuttgart Ballet

with Alessandro Giaquinto
On stage, everything has to be perfect. But hard work is required before that can happen. After all, practice makes perfect! Even Principal Dancers sometimes make mistakes, and even they have to laugh at themselves sometimes. But the fine-tuning of movement sequences and the endless striving for perfection usually remain hidden from the audience. “Behind the Scenes” takes the audience into the everyday life of the Stuttgart Ballet through rehearsals, discussions and lectures. In the intimate ambience of the Kammertheater, the audience has the rare opportunity to get a close-up look at these internal processes – including the laughs, the sweat and the joy when a goal set has been accomplished.

Further productions this season

Swan Lake

Ballet by John Cranko
Double Bill

Kosmos – schwerelos

Thoss / Foniadakis